Tis the season for movie premieres and tours. Some gems are making the rounds right now - and none are made by or starring Jamie O'brien. Get giddy about the following 4 (links are to showtimes and locations near you):
1) The Pursuit by Aaron Lieber
- Why?
- It's the youth, George! (trois Gudauski, Geiselman, Seabass, Jordy, Torry Meister...)
- The dance-off between Sebastian and Tanner (thumbnail #19) is more significant to our generation than recycling.
- Filmmaker Aaron Lieber started as an intern at a surf magazine (hey, I did that) and is in school full time while finishing the project (hey, I do that) so I have a soft spot for him.
- Benji doesn't shine in Taylor Steele skits, but at random he's fun to watch - like a pudgy child. Examples: Drive-Thrus, Benji's Firsthand on Fuel TV, the Gravis Japan Tour 2007. Quality.
- If you were born before 1991, you may have heard of Ross Williams. Regular foot from Oahu, used to do Poor Specimen movies? No? Nothing? Well, he's in it too.
3) Cyrus Sutton's Under the Sun
- His other movie, "Riding Waves," was fan-trippity-tastic. Much more watchable than most surf videos with ten times the production budget. Rob Machado at small Blacks, Dane Reynolds in borderline bad waves, Joel Tudor at Doheny. I DVR'd it on Fuel, back when I had TV, and viewed it lots.
- After you read about what Cyrus went through to make the film, not going to see it would be kind of like stealing a homeless veteran's coin cup.
4) Just Add Water starring Clay Marzo
- It seems like they've taken a heavy-handed Rainman approach to bill Clay as a tortured surf genius. But marketing or not, people go wild for tortured geniuses. Have you seen Good Will Hunting?
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